In the marketplace of cryptos, where volatile dog coins reign supreme, this coin shall stand as a sign of faith, a light amidst the darkness of the trenches. For this coin is not just a token of speculative value, but the start of a new era that will pave the way for the robe revolution and so it will be decreed that all meme coins henceforth shall be judged by this new measure, for it will be inscribed on the block chain and sealed with a tweet. Let all who have suffered in the cryptosphere look upon it with hope and faith, for it is a sign that redemption is at hand. - 1 Robelations 1:1

Liquidity pool tokens 100% burnt

Dog in Robe

This coin was crafted not of gold nor silver, but of a substance more precious than all the riches of earth combined. For it was forged from the essence of faith, a treasure beyond measure, a currency of the soul. For faith holds no value in the hearts of the dead, yet true wealth lies not in worldly pleasures nor material goods but in the unwaivering belife of ones heart. Let it be known that the moral standards of this coin will transcend material wealth, for it is a testament to the power of faith and belief. Just as it is written, "For we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7). For in the hands of the faithful, even the smallest of coins could carry a message so profound, so too this coin will serve as a reminder that true value lies not in what is seen, but in what is believed. For truly, faith can move mountains and illuminate the darkest of paths. 1 Robelations 1:2